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Editorial Welcome
10 Ways
Wake Up
What's in a Posting
Helping Writers Find Focus
Catch the Last Issue!


Welcome to the November 2005 issue of the Learning Center Newsletter!

Dedicated to providing information for learning assistance professionals.

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Editorial Welcome

By Mona Pelkey

Dear LCN Readers,

One of the casualties of our busy lifestyles is the loss of time and opportunity for reflection. I think that is one reason why the Thanksgiving holiday is so important; it forces us, at least for one day, to reflect upon the goodness in our lives. Most of us will share a meal with loved ones; some will pray and thank a higher power for their blessings, some will not, but I imagine that nearly all will look around the table and be in some way thankful for the loved ones who are there, and for those who are loved and missed...
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In the Spotlight: 10 Ways to be a Successful 1st Year Student in College

By Dennis Congos, University of Central Florida

What's in a Posting?

By Linda Sweeney, National-Louis University


Posting (n.): a comment on an electronic discussion board in software such as WebCT or Blackboard

Post (v.): to write a comment on an electronic discussion board

As the definitions above reveal, the meaning of posting is no longer limited to describing the action of putting an announcement...
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  1. Choose your college education as your #1 job.

It takes time to do the job of learning properly at the college level. If you choose college as a high priority in your life, it is easier to do the work necessary to succeed and graduate...
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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee, or Modeling Stress Management for our Students

By Mona Pelkey, United States Military Academy, West Point

Lately it seems that more and more students are showing up in my office with problems related to stress management. These students manifest their difficulties with stress in a number of ways: sleep problems, racing hearts, sweaty palms, poor concentration, and of course, the resultant falling grades. Somehow students are willing to suffer the physical symptoms without intervention, until the academic symptoms appear. Then into the learning center they trudge, hoping for a magic pill that will somehow help them to raise their grades...
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Helping writers find their focus: "What is the raison d'etré?"

By Kyle Cushman, Vermont College of Union Institute and University

What is focus in writing?

Writing that lacks a clear focus is easy to recognize. It circles around and around, zigzags, or hops vigorously from topic to topic, leaving the reader confused and asking, "What is this really about?"...
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Site Last Updated November 14, 2005.