Brainteasers: November 2007

Compiled by Julianne Scibetta-Messia

It looks like Number 5 was a real stumper.
Matt Winkler and Jacquie McNeil both answered the first four questions correctly; Peggy Underwood solely caught the trick to the last question. Great job, everybody!
Good luck also to Dennis Padilla’s Orientation class which also took a crack at the September/October mental exercise.

Solutions to September/October’s Riddlers
Push the cork into the bottle and shake the coin out.
A half-dollar and a nickel.
Whatever color your eyes are.
Who cares? I want to see how that half a boy can eat anything.

November 2007 Brainteasers
Put on your Mensa thinking caps!

  1. What letter comes next in this sequence? A, A, A, A, _____?
  2. Mr. and Mrs. Jones have two children who aren’t both boys. How probable is it that they are both girls?
  3. How many times can you subtract 3 from 39?
  4. What mathematical symbol can you put between 2 and 3 to make a number greater than 2 but less than three?
  5. The same three-letter word can be placed in front of the following to make a new word: LIGHT BREAK TIME

Please send your solutions, suggestions, grievances, and comments about the Brainteasers to