March 2004 Issue

TIDE: Technology Institute for Developmental Educators July 25-30, 2004
This summer, TIDE, the Technology Institute for Developmental Educators sponsored by Texas State University-San Marcos, College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA), and National Association for Developmental Education
(NADE) marks its 6th year. Developmental educators from around the country will arrive on Sunday, July 25 at the Texas State campus to work for five days on technology projects. They will select from a menu of mini-courses, ranging from using basic applications such as PowerPoint and databases to capturing video and using the web instructionally. Networking, new friends, good eating and fun times are also part of the TIDE experience, as participants relax by tubing down the San Marcos River and taking in Austin's premier comedy club, Esther's Follies.
Each summer, mini-courses are updated and new ones added in response to evolving technology. The TIDE team of mentors includes David Caverly, Frank Christ, Lucy McDonald, Cindy Peterson, Rick Sheets, Russ Hodges, and Karen Anglin. TIDE was designed in response to requests from developmental educators, who often lack the extended time to learn new technologies or the contacts with colleagues to share problems and ideas. For information, visit the webpage at:
or contact
David Caverly, 512.245.3100.
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